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Robinson Pharma, Inc. is your go-to resource for capsule manufacturing needs. Our diversity and experience in a variety of hard gelatin or soft gelatin capsule forms grant us the ability to produce practically any type of capsule delivery system you need.

As a reliable contract manufacturer we work with you to give you what you need. At Robinson Pharma, Inc. we go the extra length to help you produce your supplements the way you want them—not how we think they should be. Our experienced R&D staff are always at your disposal to offer recommendations and solutions, but you always have the final word.


Vegetarian Capsules

To accommodate our vegetarian conscious customers we also offer vegetarian capsules. Our capsules are vegan compliant and our formulators will work with you to have a 100% vegetarian capsule, and this product is as effective as gelatin-based capsules.

To inquire about our capsule services, Contact Us or get a Free Quote today.